Who are we?

RoboSlam is the work of a team of volunteers who are committed to promoting STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) and encouraging people to make the jump from being users of technology to being creators of technology. The core team (see below) are teachers and researchers in Technological University Dublin (previously known as Dublin Institute of Technology), but the RoboSlam project also relies on a group of volunteer facilitators who generously give their time to make the workshops possible.

Damon Berry

I have been a lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering Systems, TU Dublin since 2000. I currently deliver computing and technology modules to programmes in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My primary research interest is health informatics. I am involved (with Ted) in the highly successful (and addictive!) Annual TU Dublin “RoboSumo” challenge. This resource and the associated workshop is an attempt to distill some of the fun and magic of our robotics-related activities and bring it to a wider audience.

Ted Burke

tedI’m a lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Technological University Dublin. Among other subjects, I teach programming, robotics, engineering design and biomedical engineering. My primary research interest is signal processing, but I think I actually spend just as much time programming and building robots.

I write about some of my projects on my blog:

I also have blog pages for some of the subjects I teach, including the following:

Shannon Chance

I’m a design professor and educational researcher from the United States. A few years ago, I served as a Fulbright Scholar to TU Dublin (then called DIT) in the area of engineering education, studying the innovative, hands-on approaches Ted, Damon, and their colleagues are using to teach electrical engineering and product design and manufacturing.

I maintain a blog about my Fulbright experiences and other interests at:

Frank Duignan

Frank Duignan photoFrank is a lecturer in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at TU Dublin. His areas of interest include:

  • Interfacing hardware and writing programs for the TI MSP430 and ARM microprocessors.
  • Linux system programming (various rpc methods and a little bit relating to device drivers)

Further information on some of Frank’s projects can be found on his DIT web page:

Thanks to the massive team of (past and present) RoboSlam workshop facilitators:

Ivan Twohig, Richard Hayes, Emma Robinson, Michael Core, John McGrory, Finbarr O’Meara, David Dorran, Ruth Coffey, Colm Murray, Paula Kelly, Kevin Delaney, Ger Reilly, Susan O’Shaughnessy, Des Kernan, Shane Ormonde, Claragh Patton Kelly, Paul Banahan, Charlie Pritchard, Frank Daly, Martin Sorohan, Paul Leamy, Pádraic McEvoy, Kevin Chubb, Michelle Maher, Laura Whelan, Moya Clarke, Emmanuel Akinrintoyo, Khatereh Nadali, Mayank Parmar.

RoboSlam Logos and Banners

4 Responses to Who are we?

  1. Jo McCan says:

    Hi I’m contacting you from Cashel Arts Festival and we are wondering about having a roboslam workshop as part of our festival in November 2015. Please would you let me know how we go about organising this and what age groups can do this.

    Kind regards Jo McCan


    • batchloaf says:

      Hi Jo,

      Sincere apologies for the delay in responding. I’m afraid your message slipped through the cracks! We have previously run RoboSlam workshops at festivals, and we would definitely consider doing it again if the circumstances permit and it’s a good fit. I’ll contact you by email to discuss.



  2. Chris Hancock says:

    Hi, would you consider running a workshop at a hackspace? If so please ping me 🙂


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